How Much Does an LLC Cost in North Carolina?

If you are considering starting a business in North Carolina, forming a limited liability company (LLC) could be a wise decision. An LLC provides numerous benefits, such as liability protection for its members and flexibility in management and taxation; however, it's essential to understand the costs involved in forming and maintaining an LLC in North Carolina. Read on to discover how much an LLC typically costs in the Tar Heel State.

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Formation Fees

To establish your LLC in North Carolina, you will need to file the Articles of Organization with the Secretary of State. This requires paying a filing fee, which as of 2021 is $125. This payment is non-refundable.

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Although it is not mandatory, you may also choose to hire a lawyer, accountant, or a professional LLC formation service to assist you with the formation process. These services can help ensure accuracy and compliance, but they come with an additional cost. The fees for these services typically range from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars, depending on your specific needs.

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Annual Report and Renewal Fees

A critical aspect of maintaining your LLC status in North Carolina is the requirement to file an annual report and renewal. Failure to meet this requirement could result in penalties or even the dissolution of your LLC.

To file the annual report, you will need to provide current information about your company, such as the names and addresses of key individuals involved in the LLC's operations. The annual report filing fee in North Carolina is $200, currently. This fee must be paid every year.

Registered Agent Services

North Carolina requires every LLC to appoint a registered agent to receive legal documents, notifications, and other official correspondence on behalf of the company. As an LLC owner, you may choose to designate yourself as the registered agent or opt for professional registered agent services.

If you choose to utilize a professional service, registered agent fees generally range from around $50 to $300 per year, depending on the provider and level of service you require. The registered agent service takes care of mailbox and delivery options, allowing you to focus on other aspects of running your business.

Operating Agreement Costs

While an operating agreement is not required by law in North Carolina, it is highly recommended that your LLC has one. An operating agreement establishes the ownership and operating procedures of the LLC. These agreements serve as a valuable tool to resolve any potential internal disputes and clearly define the roles and responsibilities of the members.

Operating agreements can be drafted by lawyers or obtained through online legal services. The cost for obtaining an operating agreement may range between $50 and $500, depending on whether you are utilizing personalized legal counsel or using a template.

Additional Considerations

Apart from the aforementioned expenses, it is crucial to consider additional costs that may arise when starting and operating your LLC in North Carolina. These costs might include business licenses, permits, professional fees, taxes, and ongoing compliance.

For instance, if you hire employees, you must consider payroll taxes, workers' compensation insurance, and possibly additional licensing requirements. Consulting with an accountant or tax professional can help you gain clarity on the specific costs applicable to your business circumstances.


Forming an LLC in North Carolina offers unique advantages and protection for business owners. While it requires some financial investment, being aware of the costs involved can help you plan your business operations more effectively.

Remember to consider the filing fees, annual report and renewal fees, registered agent services, operating agreement costs, and any additional expenses specific to your business activities. By understanding and accounting for these costs, you can embark on establishing an LLC in North Carolina confidently.

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