What Is Annoying About Authoritative Parenting Methods?

What is Authorative Parenting? Often referred to as autocratic parenting, authoritative parenting involves the use of more traditional disciplinary methods to control behavior in a household. Authoritarian parents are generally more controlling than permissive parents are more accepting of their child's freedom. If authoritative parents are also hyper-focused on discipline, and lessmissive parents are less interested in discipline than their counterparts, authoritative parenting entails the use of traditional rules to empower children to make responsible choices.

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what is authoritative parenting


When you look back over the history of parenting, several patterns emerge. The most well-known is the battles between the parent and the children. This is usually a proxy for the struggle between what is considered good and bad behavior. Authoritarian parenting often pits the parents against one another, often ending in a divorce. On the other hand, it may be that the children become supporters of one parent due to the shared values.


One way to differentiate yourself from the pack is to employ an authoritative parenting method that is different from the others. Some parents will tell their kids what to do and they will follow through. Others will use subtle or not so subtle cues to get children to obey them. Parents who adhere to this method are often very affectionate and involved in their children's lives.

What is Annoying About Authoritative Parenting Methods?


Another distinctive feature of authoritative parenting is the focus on children's feelings and thoughts. Children are encouraged and even expected to express their thoughts and feelings. In authoritarian households, this is not practiced. Authoritative parenting encourages parents to listen carefully to what their kids are saying and respond accordingly.

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Children who have their feelings respected and their needs met are happier children. Authoritative parenting requires that parents respect their children's emotional intelligence and cognitive ability. The more they learn about how to interact with others, the more successful their interactions with others will be. Kids who have a caring and supportive relationship with their parents tend to do better in school, have greater self confidence, have fewer behavioral issues, and have a healthier self image. All of these positive benefits result from parents who apply an effective method of parenting.

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There are some authoritative parenting methods that you can practice yourself. For example, setting an example by taking extra care when you clean up your home. Children who see you cleaning everything without getting tired or picking up something extra are more likely to do the same. You can also set a good example by being careful about what you say to your kids. For example, if you tell your children over again not to do something, they won't take you seriously if you don't enforce it.

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You can also teach your children what is authoritative parenting through example. For example, when you are out with your kids, always carry on with your conversations and activities. Don't stop talking and leave the room to do something. This demonstrates to the children that you are a trustworthy parent who is open to discussion. If you don't discuss what you are doing in private, your kids will assume that you are not interested in their opinions or are ignoring them. Thus, this can lead to them becoming rebellious towards you.


Finally, use these parenting methods even if you are not experienced in them. For example, learning the techniques through your parents is probably the best way for you to implement it into your daily life. However, if you feel uncomfortable with the idea of a parent teaching their child what is authoritative parenting, you may want to hire a child-behavior therapist or psychologist who can help you with this. The important thing is to set rules and stick to them.

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